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Over the years, Amanjot has collaborated with many yoga teachers and holistic practitioners who are passionate about helping individuals achieve a greater sense of physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Through yoga classes, meditation sessions, and other holistic therapies, they help people reduce stress, improve their flexibility and balance, and cultivate a deeper sense of inner peace and connection. Everyone has the potential to live a healthy and fulfilling life, and the mission of each collaboration is to help people tap into their inner wisdom and strength to achieve this. With her caring and compassionate approach, Amanjot and her team are making a meaningful difference in the lives of those they serve. If you would like to inquire about potential opportunities to work together, please get in touch.


Our Teachers & Collaborators

Amanjot aka Alla Yeates

International Kundalini Yoga Teacher Trainer

If you are as impatient as I am and if you like quick lasting results, then practice of Kundalini Yoga will suit you.
There is so much more to it than just being able to turn your body into a pretzel. There is chanting, mudra (hand positions), sound current of Sacred texts, meditation and of course a vast amount of Breath patterns.
I strongly recommend you try!

Sat Nadar

The key to your transformational and healing power lies within. I want to help you find it – and fly.

Acceptance Therapy is about creating an honest space of connectedness and confidence. About holding up that mirror you need in order to find the love and strength that will create balance and beauty for you. Whatever it looks like, and however you want to achieve it, there is nothing more empowering than yourself.



I work with Celtic and Native American traditions. I wear bright colours and full of energy with love and laughter. I also go deep and very quiet connecting to source. 

I am humbled and honoured to be given the knowledge and skills from the Great Spirit and all that I work with. 

I offer therapies for past, present and future. Drumming and Celtic tree tuning forks can be part of this. 

I offer Ceremonies for significant life events. 
Groups for young people teaching them traditional ways Drumming circles on the land - solstices and equinox’s. 

Pettina-Jay Energy Rays

✨Everything is energy, rhythms, waves, cycles, my path, passion, healings & teachings work with rays✨

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Evgeniya Maslova

Меня зовут Евгения, я являюсь специалистом оздоровительных систем института «Остеопатии и Метавитоники», автор курса «Осознанное мышление», ведущая эко-сессий и медитаций. 23 года в системе «экология мысли». Родолог, религиовед, гид-проводник по сакральным местам Индии, Непала, Тибета, Шри-Ланки, Израиля, Греции. 20 лет в восточных практиках и школах, включая Раджа-йогу, Цигун.

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